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Through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the child understands what he is reading. 通过这样做,老师将能确定这个孩子对他正在读的内容的理解


de zhong wen yi si : nong qing , que ding , zha ming , dian ji zha kan xiang xi jie shi : a s c e r t a i n de zhong wen fan yi 、 a s c e r t a i n de fa yin 、 yin biao 、 yong fa he shuang yu li ju deng , rang ni you xiao zhang wo a s c e r t a i n zhe ge dan ci 。

2. We're working with Chinese government officials in the area to ascertain their whereabouts and welfare, said the US official. 这位美国官员表示:“我们正与该地区的中国政府官


趣词词典为大家提供ascertain是什么意思,ascertain的用法,ascertain怎么读,含义,读音,例句等高效记单词的助记查询服务。 ascertain 英 [,æsə'teɪn]美 ['æsɚ'ten] vt. 确定;查明

12.A method to ascertain airtightness of regulable refrigeratory, airtightness material selection and a way to made air retaining wall were discussed in this paper. 论述了气 库气密

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简介:ascertain是一个英文单词,动词,作动词时意为"确定;查明;探知"。单词发音英 [,æsə'teɪn]美 ['æsɚ't

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《ascertain怎么读,contain是什么意思中文》